Monthly Archives: October 2013

Hamburger Soup

It’s currently around 2 Celius here. One of the dayare children is talking about the snow that was at his house last night… sounds like the perfect day for some Hamburger Soup!

I found the original recipe hand written by my Grandma Dalgarno in the columns of the Strathclair cookbook. I’ve since modified it to suit our tastes.


Hamburger Soup

1.5 lbs Ground Beef
1 medium Onion, chopped
1 jar homemade Tomatoe Sauce
1 L homemade Beef Broth
4 Carrots, chopped
3 Celery Sticks, chopped
3 large Mushrooms, sliced
Parsley, to taste (usually about 1 tbsp)
Thyme, to taste (usually about 1/2 tsp)
3/4 cup Long Grain Rice, uncooked
3 tbsp Pot Barley

Brown meat & onions. Chop veggies, I usually put the celery through the food chopper to disguise it, as the children don’t like to eat chunks of celery. This was they eat it, and are none the wiser!! (sneak eh?) Add everything into the pot. Simmer for several hours.

We usually enjoy this yummy soup with some homemade garlic toast & pickles. A great soup for a cold day! 🙂

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