Monthly Archives: June 2012

Hour Bread Recipe

I’ve been making my own bread for about a year now. People keep asking me how I have the time to bake bread, and honestly I’m a little embarassed to admit but my bread recipe only takes about 1 hour 15 minutes to make.


First Step: Mixing ingredients together:

Allow dough to rise in warm place (NOT hot oven! I simply turn the light on for a bit of heat) for 20 minutes.

Then divide the dough into 4 pans, and let rise for another 20 minutes.

Bake at 375 F for 20 minutes.



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Puddling Jumping

It rained today at nap time, but once all the children were up….. we couldn’t resist donning our rubber boots and heading outside to go….PUDDLE JUMPING!!!!!!!

The view from the top of the driveway!

At first they just walked and stood in the puddles

And of course, everyone had to see if the water would come over the tops of their boots!!!! (What’s more fun than that??)

And then…….the jumping started!!!!!!

And the splashing!!!!!

And falling!!!! (Followed quickly by laughing!) LOL

And more splashing!!

We all got soaked! But we had SO much fun on a rainy day!!!!

I really wish that I could show you the children’s faces!!

They had such huge smiles!

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